生まれも育ちも西東京市の筆者が地元について書いてます。西東京市のまち情報をまとめるサイトの作成も始めました。 https://nishitokyo-machi.info/
Friday, November 18, 2022
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Sunday, November 6, 2022
人生の転機とブログの再開 / A turning point in my life and restart blogging
As the title suggests, a series of very big events have been happening in my life recently.
First, my father passed away last month after a battle with cancer. Secondly, while I was busy looking after my father, I also fell ill and will have an operation next week.
I won't go into details, but it is said to be a kind of illness in which the valves in the blood vessels do not function constitutionally, causing blood to become stagnant in the lower abdomen. I started having pain around August this year and went to the hospital, but left it alone as I was told that there was no other way to cure it but surgery was not essential, but recently I have decided to have the operation as my legs have become numb.
My job is as a salaried worker in a company with hard work. I am not sure if I will be able to continue with the same job in the future. Also, seeing my father fight against his illness has changed my outlook on life, as I now realise that there is nothing better than good health.
I would like to resume blogging as well, because I like writing and sending out something, I want to leave a solid record of my efforts and thoughts, and to create something that will assist me in working at my own pace.
I have been studying English for a long time because I wanted to communicate with people overseas as well, so I hope to write articles in English as well and increase my connections with people overseas.
For those of you who usually follow me on SNS, please also check out my blog here.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
My hometown: Seibu-Yagisawa area in Nisitokyo City
The area around Seibu Yanagisawa Station in West Tokyo City is attractive for its old-fashioned shopping streets and retro atmosphere.
Particularly attractive are the shop fronts of my father's favourite eel shop and a candy shop.
Yagisawa Base, the candy shop is particularly focused on activities for local children.
There are bookshelves in the learning space, works by Osamu Tezuka and other great manga artists, and retro games in the candy shop - it really is the kind of space I'd dream of if I was a kid.
I bought and donated a manga version of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind at, a new second-hand bookshop in the neighbourhood.
The owner has created a wonderful space for everyone, both for children and those who were once children, and I hope it will continue to grow and develop.
Friday, February 5, 2021
- デスク手前:Bauhutte(バウヒュッテ) PCデスク 昇降式 (幅120cm×奥行55cm) ブラック BHD-1200M 26,000円
- キーボードスライダ:Bauhutte (バウヒュッテ) 後付け 大型キーボードスライダー BHP-K70-BK ブラック キーボードトレイ面:横69.5×奥行30cm 11,000円
- 拡張デスク(デスクの奥):Bauhutte(バウヒュッテ) エクステンションデスク 昇降式 (幅120×奥行25cm) ブラック BHC-1200H-BK 19,000円
- モニターラック:Bauhutte(バウヒュッテ) デスクラック2 BHS-1200HN-BK 17,600円
- 椅子:noblechairs EPICNBL-PU-BLA-003 49,800円
- とにかく姿勢が楽で腰痛、肩こりが軽減された。
- 椅子のクッションは固めにも感じたが、腰痛はほとんどない。
- 拡張デスクにPCとディスプレイを設置できるので、手前のデスクをそのまま作業スペースにできるので、作業が快適。
- 横幅も十分にあり、モニターを2台設置できる。
- 仕事できそうな雰囲気が出せてやる気が出る。
- 自分で組み立てるには時間がかかる
- デスクの手前と奥が接した状態でタイピングをしていると少しモニターが揺れる。(ただし、3cmくらい離せば問題なし)
- 本を乗せる棚のスペースが少し物足りない。(筆者は他にラックも購入した)
- デスク奥の下の収納を遣おうとすると、デスク手前の下部につける固定バーが邪魔になる。
- 椅子が思ったよりも高さがあり、ほんの少し床につかないのでマットで高さの調整が必要(筆者は身長約162cm)
- それなりにスペースが必要(横幅120cm、奥行き160cmは必須)
2022年11月に西武柳沢にオープンした鯛焼きと日用品を販売する「たいやぎ」さんに。 オープン前からお店のInstagramを拝見しており、とっても楽しそうに開店準備をしている投稿を見て、オープンを楽しみにしていました。 実際に店主さんと...
タイトルの通り、ここ最近はこれまでの人生にない大きな出来事が続いています。 一つ目は、先月父が癌との闘病の果てに永眠したこと。二つ目は、父の看病に追われている間に自分も体調を崩し、来週手術することになったことです。 詳細は省略しますが、自分の病状としては体質的に血管の弁が機能せず...